How a supportive workplace culture helped me cope with my diagnosis

How a supportive workplace culture helped me cope with my diagnosis 1024 542 Jonathan Forani

By Christina Mangiola, Account Executive

Workplace culture“You have incurable, chronic kidney disease” were not words I ever expected to hear in my 20s.

In January 2023, I began experiencing a series of unexplained health issues. Despite undergoing multiple invasive procedures, the source of my symptoms remained elusive. Month after month, every test result came back negative. By March 2024, my doctor decided to test for a broad spectrum of conditions to rule out any serious issues. This last round of testing finally provided a diagnosis: IgA Nephropathy (Berger’s Disease), a kidney disorder characterized by the buildup of antibodies in the kidneys, which impairs kidney function over time. In up to 40 per cent of cases, the condition progresses to end-stage renal disease, necessitating dialysis or a kidney transplant.

The news was both shocking and devastating. I have no family history of kidney issues, making the diagnosis feel even more surreal. I suddenly found myself navigating uncharted territory with no one to lean on for advice or understanding. The future that once seemed clear was now clouded with uncertainty. Questions about my health in the coming years, my ability to have children, and the prospect of living a long, healthy life with my husband began to haunt me. Unfortunately, these questions still linger unanswered.

Amidst this turmoil, I have been incredibly fortunate to have an amazing support system, and my workplace, North, has been one of the most significant pillars of support. The company has provided me with all the time off necessary to accommodate the numerous medical procedures and appointments required to manage my condition, and team members have consistently stepped up to cover for me, often at the last minute, ensuring that I never felt punished or anxious about taking the necessary time off.

North’s workplace culture of care

The benefits offered by North have also been invaluable. Regular visits with a therapist, covered by our health plan, have been essential in helping me navigate this new reality. Moreover, my teammates frequently check in on me, offering support and understanding, which has made a world of difference. This unwavering support has alleviated much of the stress associated with my condition, allowing me to focus on my health without the added worry of workplace repercussions.

Through this journey, I have learned that we never truly know what tomorrow will bring. Unexpected health issues can arise at any time, and we may not always have the power to fix them. I could dwell on my diagnosis and ask, “Why me?” endlessly, but that would change nothing. The best advice I can offer to anyone facing a similar situation is to take things in stride. We have one life to live, so we must make it count.

Publicis network of support

The support structure at work goes well beyond my own diagnosis and the North office. As part of Publicis Groupe, the North team is part of a proud network of agencies that offer industry-leading supports for employees facing health challenges. For example, last year, we joined our Publicis colleagues in the Working with Cancer Pledge to rally companies around a commitment to building “the most open, supportive and recovery-forward work cultures for their employees.” This is one of many inspiring health initiatives that we are a part of within the Publicis network.

These efforts and the support I have received underscore the importance of a compassionate workplace that acknowledges the personal challenges of its employees. Having the backing of such an empathetic team has made a significant difference in my journey, enabling me to maintain a positive outlook and strive for a fulfilling life despite my condition.

My experience with my condition has highlighted the value of a supportive work environment. The understanding and accommodations provided by North have been crucial in helping me cope with my diagnosis. I hope other organizations will recognize the importance of supporting their employees through difficult times, as it can profoundly impact their well-being and ability to contribute meaningfully to the workplace.

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