The Creative Strategy That Wins Us Awards
The Creative Strategy That Wins Us Awards 1024 683 Jonathan Forani Sarah Stewart-Browne, President
Great media pickup, page clicks and view counts are all exciting, important KPIs while we roll out PR campaigns at North Strategic.
Even more exciting? When we’re recognized for the work months later.
That’s what happened this past summer when our media relations work with McCormick for the Thanksgiving “Get Outside with Club House” campaign won gold at CPRS Toronto’s ACE Awards, and an Award of Excellence in Communication Management at IABC Toronto’s OVATION Awards.
How we get there is all about our creative strategy. Our teams don’t simply aim to meet the client brief; we start with a great idea that aims to capture the zeitgeist and connect with consumers in an engaging way.
For some client work, particularly CPG brands with a mostly static product line, finding a fresh newsworthy angle can be a challenge for PR agencies. But our team of social media experts, influencer marketing pros and former journalists can take any brand back to the well and develop an enticing, of-the-moment story.
Don’t get us wrong, we love our KPIs. But when our team’s creative-first approach is recognized by the industry, it’s a special feeling.