Speechwriting and delivery for thought leaders

Speechwriting and delivery for thought leaders 1024 723 Jonathan Forani

By Jonathan Forani, Senior Editorial and Media Strategist; and Jennifer Britton, Senior Account Director

Speech writing and deliveryA good speech doesn’t come out of thin air. Despite what proponents of artificial intelligence technology might tell you, a good speech requires more than a thoughtfully worded set of prompts.

It also takes more than knowledge and charisma alone. Today’s thought leaders have that in spades, but what they don’t always have is a dedicated team with the full-service capabilities and experience to take them from ideation and research to writing and presentation development before the big day.

At North Strategic, our teams are well positioned to turn seeds of ideas, general industry topics, and open-ended opportunities into thorough and engaging speeches audiences will remember.

Speechwriting with trained journalists

Our editorial team is comprised of former reporters, writers and editors who spent years writing and editing at some of the country’s biggest news outlets before joining North’s team of brand storytellers. Together, our strategic public relations experts and editorial team work on telling your story in the most impactful way, whether it’s five-minute opening remarks as an event MC, or a 30-minute deep dive into an emerging topic at an industry conference.

Speechwriting takes an understanding of the topic, thorough research to convey that knowledge, and organization. It demands clarity of thought to convey ideas effectively. It also takes time. North Strategic is willing and able to commit that time into drafting a speech with real impact.

Presentation training with personal branding experts

A good speech needs more than writing, because words those can fall flat in poorly prepared hands. As anyone afraid of public speaking can attest, actually giving a speech is another thing altogether. Nervousness, stage fright, and the pressure to perform can hinder even the most well-written speeches from landing with conviction. Plus, there’s the challenge of engaging the audience, maintaining their interest, and adapting to their reactions.

At North Strategic, we take presentation training personally. As part of our NGAGE personal-branding service, our tailored sessions shun the cookie-cutter approach to build confidence in participants and help them deliver their message as effectively as possible. We recognize that no two individuals are the same which is why our sessions are designed based on the unique needs of the presenter, scenario and company. We offer everything from a four-hour refresh to on-camera, multi-phase, multi-day training sessions. Our team is with you every step of the way from rehearsing early drafts to morning-of prep. No one will prepare you better than North.

Deck design with creative producers

While not every speech opportunity will involve a PowerPoint presentation or other visual component, North’s in-house creative studio, Notch Video, has an experienced network of designers to bring any speech to the next level. Working in tandem with the development of the written speech, the deck designer can identify key elements that would benefit from infographics, animations, and imagery.

Presentations enriched with these elements can captivate and inform audiences more effectively than traditional bulleted lists and slides overrun with text. Dynamic, creative designs for presentations help create a visual journey, maintaining audience interest while supporting your message. They can enhance retention while catering to diverse learning styles.

All of these components come together at North Strategic to produce effective and memorable speeches, whether a first-time public speaker or a C-suite executive.

To learn more about our speechwriting and presentation training services, contact us today.
